Best Vodka for No Hangover

It’s the most dreaded side effect of drinking alcohol – the next day (or even in some cases same day) when you feel like garbage and can’t bring yourself to do anything but lay in bed and promise yourself you’ll never drink again. We’ve all been there, laying uncomfortable in our beds with a strong bout of hangxiety, not sure if we should get up and try to sweat it out, order a big breakfast, or just give up and start creating our will online.

That is, until the next time you’re out with friends and you have the urge to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. Perhaps a really bad hangover in the past has made you want to search for best vodka for no hangover and that’s why you’re here? We’ll make sure we give you the best of both worlds – the ability to enjoy alcohol while not having to suffer the consequences of a hangover afterward.

drinking alcohol that doesn't give hangover


The Mayo Clinic defines a hangover as a group of unpleasant symptoms that you’ve had too much to drink. 


These hangover symptoms include any or all of the following:

  • Tiredness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Achy muscles
  • Dry mouth
  • Excessive thirst
  • Headaches 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach cramps
  • Restless sleep
  • Sensitivity to bright lights, smells, and/or loud sounds
  • Lack of balance
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Shakiness or jerkiness of movement
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Depression, anxiety, and/or irritability
  • Palpating heartbeat


Generally, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to wake up with a hangover the next morning. However, the amount that is “too much” varies from person to person.

What you are drinking can also affect the severity of your hangover.

Here’s what happens when you drink. As a diuretic, alcohol causes your body to work hard to conserve water. Along with the loss of liquid, you also lose important chemicals like magnesium and potassium.

When your body metabolizes the alcohol, it creates acetaldehyde. This gets broken down by your body’s enzymes. But these acetaldehyde busters aren’t unlimited. When your body runs out of enzymes, acetaldehyde builds up.


In her article “The 7 Worst Alcoholic Drinks that Will Give You the Worst Hangovers,” writer Carla Wolff Bustle advises sticking to lighter colored liquors.

Sarah Elliott explains why darker liquors are likely to increase hangover symptoms. Dark spirits contain congeners that give them their deep color. The congeners are a byproduct of certain types of fermentation. They may leave impurities or trace elements that stabilize the flavor.

Studies have shown that congeners enter your system and heighten hangover symptoms. To avoid congeners and reduce hangover symptoms, Ms. Elliott suggests you drink light-colored or “white” spirits like gin, light rum, vodka, or white wine. 

Vodka is one of the best drinks that don’t give hangovers. A study cited by Moya Crockett contends that vodka is less likely to produce hangover symptoms.

Why is vodka the best drink for avoiding hangovers? Vodka is 40% alcohol mixed with water.

A study by the British Medical Journal noted that vodka is the least likely spirit to result in a hangover because it is pure and contains no congeners.

Now, obviously, whenever alcohol is consumed, you run the risk of having a hangover depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, the alcohol by volume (ABV), how much water you drank, as well as a few other factors.

However, Switch Vodka is considered a no hangover alcohol because of the way it’s distilled. While vodka is already considered “clean” alcohol that keeps hangovers to a minimum, Switch is distilled even cleaner than most other vodkas, it’s lower in alcohol content (30%), has no sugar, or other BS that can contribute to those awful mornings after.

Vodka alcohol doesn't give hangovers


Switch is one of Colorado’s favorite vodka brands. We’re not going to make the claim that Switch vodka will not give you a hangover, but we can say it’s most likely going to be less intense than your average vodka, due to a few reasons:

  • Lower Alcohol Content
  • All-Natural Ingredients
  • Sugar-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Nothing Artificial


With less alcohol per serving and less nonsense in our vodka, we’ve created a lighter, more enjoyable alternative to vodka. Hence the term, “vodka light.” Which, consequently, may result in “hangover light,” or no hangover at all.

Of course, we don’t want to take all the fun out of enjoying an alcoholic beverage, no matter the occasion, so don’t let this stop you from enjoying the night with a tasty cocktail.

Just remember – while everyone else is taking shots of that harder stuff, if you’re taking shots of Switch vodka, you’re still likely to have a good time but less likely to feel it as much as everyone else the next morning.


While vodka has been proven to be the best choice to avoid hangovers, it still contains 40% alcohol. If you are mixing it with sugary beverages like sodas or fruit juices, this increases the chances of hangover symptoms.

A wiser choice is Switch vodka light. Created for those who are seeking a healthier alternative, Switch vodka light is produced using all-natural ingredients and real fruit flavors. Switch contains no sugar or gluten. It is also very low in both carbs and calories.

What does this mean? Let’s compare Switch vodka light to white wine. Both are vodka and white wine drinks of choice if you are trying to avoid a hangover. 

According to a USDA database a five-ounce glass of dry white wine has over a hundred and twenty calories. That’s forty percent more calories than an ounce and a half shot of Switch vodka light. The wine also contains more carbs. 

switch no hangover vodka

Switch allows you to enjoy martinis or mixed cocktails without the extra calories or sugar in regular vodka. 

Switch vodka light contains only natural flavors. So, you can enjoy your beverage without the chemicals of artificial flavor. 


If you want to enjoy a cocktail when you’re sitting on the patio with friends, there’s a simple way to avoid the nasty morning-after hangover symptoms. Switch vodka light offers you a tasty alternative to those hangover-inducing 80-proof spirits.

There are many reasons why Switch vodka light is one of the best drinks that don’t give hangovers.

Switch vodka light is the perfect partner for flavored or unflavored seltzers or other low-calorie drinks. Wake up the next morning refreshed and hangover-free because Switch contains 40% less alcohol than regular vodka.

Feeling adventurous? Why not create an original Switch cocktail? Perhaps you’d like to try some Switch-inspired creations first.

healthier vodka

We’re not going to claim that when you drink Switch vodka light you will never have a hangover. However, vodka (especially a lighter one) is a great choice of alcohol that doesn’t give you a hangover. With its low, practically non-existent congeners, vodka (light) is the best drink to avoid a hangover. Now, add to this Switch contains significantly lower alcohol content. Where regular vodka has an ABV of 40%, Switch’s is less than 30%. If you dread those morning-after hangovers, it makes sense to choose Switch vodka light. 


Switch vodka is only distilled using an iStill distillation process, with only the “middle” distillate, ensuring only the purest of alcohol content.

Both the “head” and the “tail” of the distillate contain higher amounts of chemicals and toxins. The “head” is too high of alcohol content for human consumption and the “tail” is technically safe to use in distilling vodka, it just has a higher amount of methane (which is responsible for worse hangovers).

So, in other words, you can greatly reduce the severity of your hangover by drinking low-congener liquors, like vodka (more specifically, Switch vodka).

If you want to reduce the ill effects of drinking vodka the morning after, go buy some Switch Vodka at these locations.