Uses for Vodka | Switch Light Vodka

Uses for Vodka

When you think of vodka, the first image that probably comes to mind is a refreshing cocktail or a shot shared with friends at a lively gathering. However, this popular spirit isn't limited to just being a party essential. Vodka's potential…
Gin vs Vodka | Is Gin Stronger Than Vodka? | Switch Light Vodka

Gin vs Vodka

In the world of spirits, the debate of Gin vs Vodka has been a topic of fascination for both connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike. These two iconic beverages, each with their unique characteristics and flavor profiles, have been…
Vodka vs Tequila | Switch Light Vodka

Vodka vs Tequila

Are you caught in the age-old debate of Vodka vs Tequila, seeking the perfect spirit that aligns with your taste and health-conscious lifestyle? You're not alone in this quest. In the world of spirits, vodka and tequila stand out…
vodka vs whiskey drink

Vodka vs Whiskey

It's a vodka vs whiskey showdown! Learn how the two spirits compare and contrast. Discover why Switch Vodka's 'lighter' choice stands out.
alcohol with least calories and carbs

Alcohol with Least Calories and Carbs

Which is the alcohol with the least calories and carbs? Here, we compare different spirits and see how they fair against Switch Vodka "Light"
mixed drink at home

What to Mix with Vodka at Home

Wondering what to mix with vodka at home, all while keeping it healthy? Check out these cocktails and be sure to use Switch Vodka "Light"
best vodka for cooking

Best Vodka for Cooking

Elevate your cooking game with vodka for adding depth and flavor to your dishes. Learn why Switch Vodka is the best vodka for cooking.

Can Vodka Expire? The Truth May Surprise You

Can vodka expire? Even though vodka is a spirit, it can expire under the right (or wrong) conditions. Learn more about storing vodka here!
warm alcoholic drinks for cold weather

Warm Alcoholic Drinks for Cold Weather

We have created a list of our favorite warm alcoholic drinks for cold weather to help you warm up when the weather outside is frightful.